新加坡商三得利健益亞太股份有限公司台灣分公司非常重視閣下的私隱。閣下向我們提供信息及個人資料(包括但不限於閣下的姓名、稱謂、地址、生日月份、電話號碼、電郵地址、相關社交媒體帳户名稱及資料) (统稱為「個人資料」) 純屬自願,我們收集所得的所有個人資料均會保密處理。倘若閣下不希望閣下的個人資料被用作下文所述的用途,請不要向我們提供有關資料。
• 處理閣下訂購有關白蘭氏®產品之訂單及送貨安排;
• 向閣下提供有關白蘭氏®產品及相關服務的資訊;
• 向閣下提供相關客户服務;
• 處理閣下對我們的業務、產品及服務的查詢;
• 收集及處理閣下對我們的產品及/或服務的反饋;
• 滿足閣下就有關健康資訊、產品和服務所提出的要求;
• 為閣下登記成爲香港購物網站會員及管理閣下的會籍;
• 特別設計部份我們向閣下提供的產品和服務以切合閣下的需要;
• 進行市場調查、客戶及營銷分析、市場統計和研究;
• 進行網站使用和消費數據分析,以促進我們了解閣下的需求與查詢及/或進行有關產品及服務使用或消費模式和趨勢的分析、統計和研究;
• 方便閣下參與我們的直接促銷及推廣活動;
• 促進、改善及優化閣下對我們的網站之使用和體驗;
• 與閣下聯絡;
• 就我們的相關業務、產品及/或服務作培訓用途; 及
• 閣下已事先同意的其他用途。
為促進及執行上述用途及目的,我們亦可能將閣下的個人資料披露及/或轉移予三得利集團跨國企業旗下之相關公司(包括但不限於Suntory Wellness Ltd., Suntory Beverage & Food Asia Pte Ltd 其相關開發、研究、生產及/或銷售保健食品及飲料業務的母公司、子公司及附屬公司)及/或向我們提供服務及協助我們處理及滿足客戶訂單及處理相關 個人資料的第三方服務供應商(包括但不限於提供市場推廣服務、市場調查服務、資料處理服務、通訊及傳呼中心營運服務、技術支援服務、客户服務及/或物流服 務的第三方服務供應商) (统稱為「資料處理者」)。
我們可能會使用閣下的個人資料,向閣下推廣、促銷及提供與白蘭氏®產品、食品、保健產品、消費者忠誠計劃及會員計劃與相關服務有關的通訊、優惠和市場推廣材 料及信息(「市場推廣材料」)。我們可能會將閣下的個人資料轉移予我們的第三方服務供應商(如上文定義),以便代表我們作直接促銷及向閣下發送市場推廣材 料。但在未得閣下同意前,我們不會為直接促銷及市場推廣的目的,使用閣下的資料及/或將閣下的資料向任何第三方披露。倘若閣下希望我們繼續使用及/或轉移 其個人資料作直接促銷,閣下可隨時向我們的客戶服務主任提呈有關停止在直接促銷中使用及/或轉移的要求。收到閣下提呈之相關要求後,我們將在不向閣下收費 的情況下,按相關法例規定處理及依從該項要求。
如上文所述,為促進及執行上述用途及目的,我們可能將閣下的個人資料披露及/或轉移至香港境外的地方,交予我們位於台灣、日本及/或其他國家的資料處理者作相關處理。閣下的個人資料在該等境外地方未必可以獲得與在香港相關《個人資料(私隱)條例》法例下相同或類似程度的保護及保障。儘管如此,我們已與有關資料處理者採取相關合理預防措施及切實可行的步驟(包括相關合約規範方法或其他方法),以確保閣下的個人資料獲得相等的保障。若閣下不同意上述跨境轉移資 料的安排,請注意我們向閣下提供相關的產品及服務可能會受到影響,或我們未必能處理閣下對相關的產品提交的訂單。倘若閣下不希望閣下的個人資料被用作上文所述的任何用途或跨境轉移至香港境外,請不要向我們提供有關資料。
1. 查詢或請求閱覽。
2. 請求製給複製本。
3. 請求補充或更正。
4. 請求停止蒐集、處理或利用。
5. 請求刪除。
專線:2506-9121 (星期一至五早上午9:00~12:30 及下午1:30~5:30/公眾假期除外)
Privacy Policy Statement
Suntory Wellness Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd., Taiwan Branch values your privacy. The information and personal data (including but not limited to your name, title, address, birthday month, phone number, email address, and relevant social media account name and data) (collectively hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data”) are voluntarily by you provided to us. All personal data we collected will be treated confidentially. If you do not want your personal data to be collected, used or disclosed in the manner set out in this Privacy Statement, please do not provide us with your personal data.
We collect your personal data to allow us to serve your needs in BRAND’S® products and relevant services. We will use the personal data you provided for the following purposes:
• To process your orders and arrange the delivery of products to you.
• To provide you with information about BRAND’S® products and related services.
• To provide you with the relevant customer services
• To process your enquiries about our business, products, and services.
• To obtain feedback on our products or services
• To fulfill your requests for health information, products, and services.
• To register and manage your BRAND’S® Hong Kong Online Store membership program.
• To customise products and services which you may request from us.
• To conduct market research, customer and marketing analysis, market statistics and research.
• To conduct website use and consumption data to better understand your needs and investigate and/or conduct analysis, statistics and research on product and service or consumption patterns and trends.
• To facilitate your participation in our direct sales campaigns, activities and promotions.
• To promote, improve, and optimize your use and experience of our website.
• To contact you
• To conduct training for our related business, products and/or services; and
• For any other purposes as you may agree
In order to achieve the purposes stated above, your personal data may be disclosed / transferred to our related companies under Suntory Group (including but not limited to Suntory Wellness Ltd., Suntory Beverage & Food Asia Pte Ltd, parent companies, subsidiaries and affiliates related to their development, research, production and/or sales of health food and beverage businesses) and/or to third-party service providers (including but not limited to the third-party service providers for marketing services, market research services, data processing services, communications and paging center operations services, technical support services, customer service and/or logistics services) (collectively hereinafter referred to as “Data Processors”) who provide services to us and assist us in processing and fulfilling customers’ orders and processing related personal data.
We may use your personal data to introduce, promote, and provide you with communications, preferential offers, and marketing materials and data related to BRAND’S® products, foods, supplements, consumer loyalty programs and membership programs and related services (hereinafter referred to as “Marketing Materials”). We may transfer your personal data to our third-party service providers (as defined above) in order to perform direct promotions on our behalf and to send you marketing materials. However, we will not use your data and/or disclose your data to any third party for direct sales and marketing purposes without your consent. If you do not wish for us to continuously use and/or transfer your personal data for direct sales purposes, you may at any time submit a request to our Customer Service Officer regarding the cessation of data use and/or transfer in direct marketing. After we receive the relevant request from you, we will process and comply with the request in accordance with the relevant law and regulations, without charges.
As indicated in the preceding paragraphs, we may disclose and/or transfer your personal data outside Hong Kong to our data processors in Taiwan, Japan, and/or other countries for further process in order to promote and achieve the purposes stated above. Your personal data may not be safeguarded and protected in those places outside Hong Kong to the same or similar extent under the relevant “Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance” in Hong Kong. Nevertheless, we have worked with the data processors (including relevant contract normative methods or other methods) to take relevant reasonable precautions and practical steps in order to ensure that your personal data is equally protected. If you do not agree with the aforementioned arrangements for cross-border data transfer, please note that the related products and services we provide to you may be affected, or that we may not be able to process your orders for related products. If you do not want your personal data to be used for any of the aforementioned purposes or to be transferred out of Hong Kong, please do not provide your personal data to us.
We may update the content of this policy in due course. If there is a major change in the use of your personal data, we will obtain your consent in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Relevant policy updates will be announced on the announcement page of this website, and we will notify you via the email information you had provided. If you do not agree to policy updates, please stop using the services of this website and contact us immediately to exercise your rights.
You may exercise the following rights anytime in respect of the personal data you provide us:
1. To inquire or request a viewing.
2. Request a copy.
3. Request additions or corrections.
4. Request to stop collection, processing, or utilization.
5. Request a deletion.
If you wish to exercise the above rights, please contact our Customer Service Officer through the following channels:
Hong Kong Customer Service
Hotline: 2506-9121 (9:00~12:30 and 13:30~17:30 from Monday to Friday, except for national holidays)
Email address: customercare_hk@suntory.com
In the event of any discrepancy between the Chinese version and the English version of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.
This Privacy Policy has been updated on January 1, 2023, as Suntory Wellness Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Taiwan Branch has inherited all rights and obligations from BRAND’S Suntory Taiwan Branch with respect to the clauses listed in this policy.
Version: 2023.01